Graphics card returning tomorow (wednesday) and I got some good news about it. The error was so extreme that they're simply giving me a new one, and a better one at that :D Do gusta!
As both CheesyMaster and Rainboom can tell you, my computer crashes from time to time, and the reason seems to be that my graphic card is corrupted in some way. So I'm going to hand it back to the company that sold it, and they're gonna check if it really is corrupted or if something else is wrong, and if it is they'll send a new one. Until that, I can't use my computer at all :/ I'll still log in on NG from the phone, though not as often.
So yeah, happy birthday Cheesy, and have a good week without me bothering you >:3
I also found the time to put together an explosion in Flash, and this thing is totally ridicules... Several hundred layers in total, but thanks to some pretty awesome V-Cam it's all transformed into some sort of a bitmap, allowing the movie to run without any lag whatsoever. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think about the thing, it took some time creating it :P
So yeah, seems my tablet is actually WORKING again, thanks to awesome. Also, edited my version of Hank slightly, and played Minecraft about 50 hours the past week. Good stuff.
Also, Hank now has a robot hand, because Chuck Norris approves.
Edit: New user pics, press dat F5 :D
Also, new Hank and a ATP Commander...
Also made a banner for xaker333.
I also got kicked from a Battlefield Bad Company 2 game because they said I wasn't a noob.. uh, thanks I guess?
Hell yeah :D